Ex-Cadbury's Staff Raise $25,958 For Mental Health In New Zealand

How incredible is this!! $25,958 has now been raised by our amazing ex-Cadbury’s staff for mental health in New Zealand. For 17 years I worked for Cadbury’s Dunedin, I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to work in such a fun and loving culture. After my redundancy I continued working full time in jobs to pay the bills while I also worked on my dream of starting a business. The last 6 years have been extremely tough. I struggled with depression after my redundancy from Cadbury’s and as a small business owner faced a lot nasty stuff. Some people get insecure with those who put themselves out there and push hard for success, and this insecurity can lead to bullying and all sorts of nasty stuff. I had to find something to keep myself lifted so I started with raising money for the mental health team I am hope NZ, and I raised just under $1000. Then in 2020 after another redundancy and even more hurt I got motivated to create Project Hope and Beyond. Project hope is a team of ex-Cadburys staff fundraising money for mental health. We are driven by our staff who were hurt by bullying, discrimination, staff that self harmed, considered suicide and the loss of one of our loved staff members to suicide. When people are struggling with mental illness and then are bullied on top it simply drowns you. You feel like you are struggling to keep your head above water, it’s like someones holding you down. It is hard enough dealing with depression let alone having people hurting you on top of this struggle.
In November 2020 Project hope took back our old Cadburys building to run the very last tour ever through the old girl, we made t-shirts, and we still currently stand in the old Cadburys car park every weekend raising money for mental health. For myself it’s like a message to this community that our feelings are valid. People that have worked in factories and those that are commoners, our feelings are valid too. It is inspiring to help support those out there who are struggling, because we don’t want anyone else in this country to feel like they are alone. We need to get brave New Zealand and have more conversations about redundancy, and business bullying. We need to inspire those who have been hurt to follow the same values of Project hope, to do better, not bitter. It is easy to hurt people because you have been hurt but it takes incredibly strong people to go the other way and turn this hurt into a positive and help people.
If you wish to support any way or inspire other New Zealanders by sharing our story you can email myself Megan at hello@meganfairley.co.nz or follow and like the Project Team on facebook @projecthope.beyond
So grateful to all the amazing people who support my journey, by supporting me you are also supporting our awesome team Project hope & beyond. Thank you!!!
NEW TOTAL, $25,958 raised for Mental Health by Project hope & beyond.
Ex - Cadburys + Community. Distributions donations below:
I AM HOPE - $13,240
Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust $9,318
Ronald McDonald House NZ $2482
Movember New Zealand $918